KWS Calvini FAO 170

In Your Field…
KWS Calvini is suitable for all maize growing areas, and is an excellent choice for forage or AD production. Robust and well proven on all sites.
Drive your ration performance – maturity, yield and starch in one!
Characteristics / Quality
- Top DM yield – 18.1 t/ha DM across NIAB less favourable sites
- Excellent early vigour (7.0)
- Very high starch content (37.2%)
- High starch yield potential of over 6.7t/ha underlines yield performance
- Great energy values (11.76 MJ/kg DM)
- High kernel content and ripening stability
Data source:
NIAB Forage Maize Descriptive List. First Choice varieties for less favourable sites (2025).